Thursday, August 6, 2009

Denial of Reality

To deny reality, or actually to deny this present awareness is to deny our true nature. That is why we suffer. We argue with reality (with what is). At that point we stop the flow of life completely. We focus on one thought, feeling, situation etc . . . saying that it should not be as it is. This is a story told by the mind to keep the story of me alive. This keeps us from our true feelings. Our true nature, this present awareness holds true love, compassion, and joy. Everything we have searched for our entire lives. When we focus on one thing or another and argue with reality we deny ourselves this true love. We also deny it to those around us and cause them to suffer as well. Rest in this present awareness, allow the arguments to pass. They are only temporary unless we focus on them. Rest and experience true love, compassion, and joy!