Sunday, July 19, 2009


Resistance is a form of seeking. It is the denial of reality verses some future reality. It can be a full blown story or as subtle as feeling. No matter what form it arises in, it is still a movement toward future. There is something saying that this moment, this present awareness is not good enough and that we must find some other moment in the future that is more pleasurable or pleasing. It is movement that gives time to our unhappiness. It is a story told by the false-self that says that "someday I will be happy, someday I will have more money, someday they will act different, etc..." Not only does this create a search that can never be fulfilled, it actually magnifies our suffering, and causes separation with everything. What then is the end of resistance, the end of suffering, or the end of separation? Rest in this present awareness. See these stories and movements for what they are, stories and movements. They are temporary movements that arise and fall in this present awareness. They do not have to be believed, manipulated, or repeated. They are just a part of the flow of life, nothing more. See that "this" --this moment, this experience, this present awareness is enough. There is no need to resist anything and no need to seek for anything, not even enlightenment. See that what arises and falls in this present experience is the flow of life and there is no need for anything else.

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